6 Ways to Make Your Yard More Welcoming

There are few things more relaxing than having a beautiful yard to walk out to. We spend a lot of time and attention making our home a comfortable place to live inside. However, the outdoors can be equally livable and inviting with a few easy updates. Here are a few elements you may want to consider adding before you invite over guests.

Make an Inviting Entry

Use the entrance as a way to invite people into your home. It doesn’t take much to spruce up the front walkway as well as the entrance into the backyard so it’s welcoming to guests. Create an inviting entry by:

  • Keeping it clutter-free.
  • Grooming the walkway vegetation.
  • Using decor to connect the front door entrance with the indoor entry.
  • Providing a pathway to the side gate that connects to the backyard.

Your outdoor entry is your first impression. Make it a good one.

Plant Colorful Flowers

A spray of colorful flowers puts everyone in a good mood. That’s why it’s a curb appeal trick used by real estate agents across the country.

There are hundreds of flowers to choose from when you’re planning your garden or planterbeds. Amaryllis flowers are usually thought of as an indoor plant, but they can be planted outdoors with ease. They also come in a variety of brilliant colors.

Marigolds are another great option because they provide a burst of color and attract beneficial garden insects like syrphid flies. Another beautiful, colorful flower that’s easy to grow is Zinnias. You’ll get loads and loads of flowers all summer long. Peonies, Lilies, Carnations, Magnolias – the varieties are plenty to choose from.

Shaded Seating Area

No matter how great your yard looks, if there isn’t a shaded area to enjoy it people won’t stick around outdoors too long. The sweltering heat of the summer will force everyone back inside before they start baking.

Trees and plants provide natural shade for part of the day, but most people will still need a seating area that’s shady at all hours. Some homeowners have a yard without much vegetation at all, so natural coverage is out of the question.

Awnings and umbrellas are top popular ways to add shade when and where you need it. Pergolas can serve the same purpose. For a cheap do-it-yourself option you can use a shade sail in a variety of configurations.


Al Fresco Dining


Nothing encourages outdoor activity like an al fresco dining area. You can easily turn nice evenings into an outdoor dining experience if you have a patio right off the kitchen, an outdoor kitchen or a grill.

Seating for four or more people is a must. A picnic table is a great option all around. It’s classic, economical and the seating setup has a communal feel. Add a few comfy chairs with arms and your al fresco dining is complete.

Add a Water Feature

Water has a relaxing, calming effect on the body and mind. The white noise makes the area seem connected to the outdoors, and water features can also add moisture to the surrounding air.

Just make sure to keep your water feature flowing to prevent mosquito infestations. Mosquitoes only need an inch of standing water to lay their eggs. And those eggs will hatch in a matter of days. Also, check with the town if they schedule mosquito spraying in your neighborhood.

Install an Above-Ground Pool

Another water feature you may want to consider is an above-ground pool. Installing an above-ground pool is less expensive and less of a commitment compared to an in-ground pool. If you have kids or grandkids, a pool will definitely make your house the place to be during the summer.

An above-ground pool can be installed in a matter of a day or two. However, many homeowners opt to add a deck around the pool to help keep things clean and add a seating area near the pool. One thing to check on before buying an above ground pool is whether a permit will be needed, which isn’t always the case.

The types of elements you add will depend on your budget, the size of your yard and personal preference. All of the ideas above can be done for relatively cheap on the course of a single weekend. Try adding one or two elements to see how much more welcoming your yard can be.

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