By nature, I am not an early riser, neither is my husband. On the other hand, my Father in law can rise really early, especially if we have to go for sight seeing. Whenever we go out as a family,…
Home is not always work. That’s the main reason why I have this website. This corner is to discuss the myraids of ways that we can and do spend the ‘my time’.
It’s snowing. Beautiful white puffed up flurries all over the place. It looks pristine, white, gorgeous. May this New Year bring prosperity, happiness and love all around. May this year wash away the unpleasant and bring in the beautiful for…
Have you ever heard of Diwali? We Indians kind of go bonkers over this festival. You can call it our Christmas. We clean houses, paint them new, dress them with beautiful lights. We pray to Goddess ‘Lakshmi’ for prosperity and…
“Sandy’ badgered us for 14 hours straight. However, the actual wind gusts and incessant rains didn’t really bother us as much as I had thought it would. It was like any other normal storm, only that it lasted for…
I have been trying to post about this pie for three days now. However, a long weekend, an official trip preparation for hubby, fighting the fall pile up of leaves, some very important errands, shopping and watching movies moved this…
I hope you all had a terrific weekend. For me, it was fabulous. Not only did I get to have some truly relaxing and quality time at home with hubs, kids and my K9 companions, but also my…
Twenty minutes into the Water Park, my husband dislocated his shoulder. Rewind. Charlie’s swim lesson adventures from her blog Hotly Spiced made me revisit an incident that happened when my younger son was about 3 years old. He…
Recently, I was featured on GoNannies.com’s post on best kid friendly crock pot recipes on the web. Say, ‘Wow!’ ;p I am on a crock pot roll. I invested some 40 odd dollars in a big, beautiful looking…