The Lady 8 Home completes one year of blogging. Woot woot!!!!! It’s been a fun journey. The work is hard, but the returns are enormous. Of course, they are not in cash. I still chew my lips when I see the server bills, and sigh over a variety of other costs. What I have earned is a lot of great blogger friends, a re-discovered passion for food, a brand new passion for Photography, lessons on food plating, and a treasure on cultural gold nuggets from around the world. It is a lot like chatting with friends – satisfying, relaxing and exciting, all at the same time!
Today, it also happens to be Mother’s Day too. So combining both these beautiful events, I am announcing a Contest/Giveaway that celebrates The Lady 8 Home – in every way 🙂
For the First Prize: $100.00 cash (Open to residents all over the world)
Make a NEW post that has the following and link it here:
1) Make a post to celebrates the Lady 8 your home – be it a Mom, a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, grandma, or even that nanny who gave you the most fuzzy memories of your childhood. Mention clearly that the post is for the Lady 8 Home anniversary contest along with my logo
2) Your post can be a dish, a craft, or simply a write-up dedicated to the person of your choice. Please include pictures. Visuals always add to the interest of a post.
3) Look through my blog posts and pick one post that you would bookmark and give reasons for your choice. This is very important requirement. Download a picture of the post, and put it up in your blog post, but please make sure to link it back to me. The post you select to write about should have a photo of my dish, and should be linked back to the post. This post should be somewhere in the beginning or the middle of the post. Non descriptive links buried at the end of the posts will not qualify.
4) Subscribe to me via email (widget on the right side of my page)
5) Like Lady8Home on Facebook
6) Follow Lady8Home on Twitter
7) Follow my boards on Pinterest
8) Grab my button and post it somewhere in your blog post.

Copy paste the text below in the box for the grab button
Do remember, the post must have all of the above to qualify for prize (there are 8 of them).
You can link more than one entry, with no maximum. If you are posting more than one entries, then you can make a regular post, but it should clearly mention my giveaway, and have a post from my blog with description of why you chose it and should be linked to my blog.
Non bloggers are welcome to participate too! If you want to participate, please email me at minnie@thelady8home for details.
The post for the first prize of $100 will be decided on basis of votes that have been linked here. 10 posts with most votes will be selected for a final round-up. So go ahead and SHARE!!! Tweet, Facebook, Reddit – do whatever it takes to make your post popular and get the votes 😀
Again, the poster must fulfill all of the above requirements to qualify. Once the votes are done, the first 10 most voted posts will be selected for a final round-up. Then, the winner will be selected by a team of 5 people, beside me, who love to read, surf and have a great deal of knowledge about everything in general and food in particular :D. If you are interested in becoming one of the judges, then do email me – It is on first come, first serve basis. If you are a blogger, then please apply only if you are not participating.
Second prize: $20 Cash Prize. Please leave me a comment below telling me one thing that you like about my blog. If you post more comments, then you can write anything that you want. Tweet about this event – both through the Rafflecopter widget. You can earn two entries everyday 🙂 This Giveaway OPEN Till 12th July midnight EST
a Rafflecopter giveaway
—- A THIRD surprize prize will be given to a linked entry that has fulfilled all of the qualifications in the first prize category, which will be awarded as the Critic’s Choice. The Cash Prizes will be in US dollars and the winner will get a converted rate. This contest is open to everyone across the world. The money will be transferred through Paypal. So please make sure to have a Paypal account. The contest is now extended and closes on 30th June 2013. So HURRY!!!!!
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