Meet The judges

First, I want to thank each and everyone of you for giving me so much support and encouragement for my Anniversary contest. Special thanks to those who participated. I am touched by the efforts so many of you took to make a special write up and share your stories, as well as took time to go through my blog.

TheLady8Home Anniversary giveaway

The contest is now closed, but you can still get your friends to vote for your post for some more time. The voting will close tomorrow, 2nd July at 12 Noon, EST.

The Rafflecopter entry Giveaway opportunity has been extended till 12th July, so you can still keep entering everyday for a chance to win $20 cash. Leave a comment and tweet to get more chances at the giveaway. Click here to enter NOW! You can enter every day for next 11 days.

As promised, there will be three prizes in total: Best entry in 10 most popular posts, Critics Choice, and Rafflecopter winner. There will also be a Participation certificate as a Thank you. The results will be declared on 15th July, 2013.

For my lovely participants:

How the posts will be judged:

First, only the qualified posts will be considered. That means the entries should fulfill all the conditions outlined in the Anniversary Contest post. The top 10 most voted will be then selected for the final list.

The judges will then evaluate the posts as following:

20 points for each of these: (60 in all) 
  • My anniversary event and post the logo: The points are to be given based on how well the promotion for the event was done
  • Promote at least one post from my blog:  Again, more prominently my post page is displayed and promoted, more points you get.
  • Overall Presentation of the page: Visuals and lay out of the post itself and how well it has been put together.
40 points on how the judges feel about the post
  • This post was themed on dedication to a lady who has influenced the blogger’s/poster’s life in some way. The judges will consider how they feel about the given post, especially the dedication part, and mark it accordingly. Some of you have posted follow-up posts, which do not have not dedication. In that case, your post with dedication will be considered for the overall marks. If you can add the original dedication link to your posts, it will be easier.
Please do not make any changes to your posts otherwise. All the posts have been recorded already, and any late changes sneaked in can get you disqualified.

It’s time to meet the judges.

I have five extremely talented and versatile people on board to judge this contest. I don’t have words to express my gratitude. To have a very fair and unbiased judgement, I will not be in the judges team. In case there is a tie, then I will cast my deciding vote.

Maureen Shaw: Owner and Author at one of Australia’s most successful blogs Orgasmic Chef, Maureen is a beautiful person inside out who loves to cook, encourage new bloggers, hunt down the best of the best in the blogging industry and make them come alive through her brilliant write-ups. Beside blogging about mouth-watering food, this American lady who now calls Australia her home also has found time to get her talented husband to invent a plugin that makes uploading printable recipes a cake walk, rightfully called Easy Recipe.

Nazneen: A baker with a magical touch, Nazneen is one of the most talented, and warmest bloggers I have had the fortune to make friends with. Mother to four growing kids, Nazneen can be found pottering around the kitchen creating fabulous recipes and sharing her thoughts through her penmanship and amazing photographic skills. A self confessed coffee aficionado, Nazneen grew up in UK and now lives in Colorado, US and has a stylish yet comforting blog called Coffee and Crumpets that has something for everyone.

Manjot Saini: Meet ‘Mango’ – a nursing student who currently has the biggest dilemma in her life – how to spend her first pay check (read splurge, much deserved if I may add). When she is not going out of her mind studying for her nursing program, this vivacious, fun loving, extremely intelligent and lovely lady spends every waking (and I am pretty sure some sleeping ones too) hour following Cricket and its never ending saga of matches, catches, captains, scandals and everything else that comes with the territory of being a mega Cricket fan.

Tanaz Bhatena: A professional writer par excellence, she lives to write. By her own admission, she writes to read stories no one else writes. Her stories have been published in many publications, including Toronto Star, The National Post, The Globe and the mail. Her story “Born in an Indian Village,” can be found in The Jeffrey Archer Short Story Challenge Collection. One of my favorite pieces by her is a short story named ‘The wind beneath my feat’. Currently she is working on a novel. When she is not writing, she can be found listening to music, and watching movies that have her favorite hunks. Her most recent work published in Great Lakes Review is now available for purchase in and Barnes and Nobles Bookstore

Debjyoti Ghosh: Author and owner of a very funny blog – Some Facts Some Nonsense, A gifted writer, Debjyoti’s talent at making you laugh while making hard hitting points is stuff legends are made of. His cartoon satires are side-splitting funny, and yet, make more sense than a regular diatribe ever could. If you are having a bad day, just hop over to his blog and you will come away with smiles, I promise you that.

Let the judging begin. Good Luck to all the participants. Remember, keep voting till tomorrow and don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway that is still open for almost two more weeks.

Coming soon at a monitor near you:

Cheese Kulfi



Aloo Dum



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