Another weekend in which we saw a few bad movies, debated politics, scrubbed and cleaned, cracked jokes, lectured the boys on good housekeeping, signed them up for Boy Scouts and generally had a good time.
Capsicum Pepper Stew – spices and herbs
When I started blogging 4 months back, Carol was the very first blogger who became my subscriber. She was also the first one to nominate me for an award; I learned a lot about food, photography and in general a…
Weekend Dinner Party Extravaganza!
Don’t you just love dinner parties? I adore them. Large, small, medium, private, public, dancy, fancy, stuck up, footloose, dressy, casual, kiddie, couples, birthday, anniversary or just a ladies night – you name it and I love it. Creating…
I won! Food Photography lessons learned and an exotic rose drink
I hope you all had a terrific weekend. For me, it was fabulous. Not only did I get to have some truly relaxing and quality time at home with hubs, kids and my K9 companions, but also my…
A dislocated ride and Homemade fries
Twenty minutes into the Water Park, my husband dislocated his shoulder. Rewind. Charlie’s swim lesson adventures from her blog Hotly Spiced made me revisit an incident that happened when my younger son was about 3 years old. He…
Another crock pot gem – BBQ Baby Back Ribs
Recently, I was featured on’s post on best kid friendly crock pot recipes on the web. Say, ‘Wow!’ ;p I am on a crock pot roll. I invested some 40 odd dollars in a big, beautiful looking…